Bookmarks within Tables



I have difficulties in bookmark links within pages. The
HREF at the top of the page refers to a point within a
table lower down the page. The bookmark is beside a
graphic. IN IE 5&6 it locates perfectly but NS 4 - 7.1 and
Opera doesn't. When you click on the link only the lower
edge of the pic shows. IE on a Mac is also problematic.
Any ideas?
To see the effect look at

Stefan B Rusynko

Your anchor links are empty so it is going to the empty link
<a name="cardpin"></a>

Wrap your anchor around the content you want to display
<a name="cardpin">
<p> Whatever goes here</p>
PS some browser will not support empty anchors and the W3c spec requires content

| I have difficulties in bookmark links within pages. The
| HREF at the top of the page refers to a point within a
| table lower down the page. The bookmark is beside a
| graphic. IN IE 5&6 it locates perfectly but NS 4 - 7.1 and
| Opera doesn't. When you click on the link only the lower
| edge of the pic shows. IE on a Mac is also problematic.
| Any ideas?
| To see the effect look at

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