

Ryan Poggi

How do i create a field in word that once populated, will then populate all
other fields that are the same. For example the macro button "Insert
inflation rate" will, once populated, populate all other fields called
""Insert inlflation rate". I know it has something to do with bookmarks but
not sure how to do it?? Please Help??



Your best bet is probably a userform. See:

Once the bookmark value is assigned, the it is just a
matter of inserting REF fields in the subsequent locations.

So say interest rate value is bookmarked IR. { REF IR }
will return the bookmarked value.

You could go with a protected form. See:
..htm and the series of articles by Dian Chapman.

Let's say you had Interest Rate: ______ (the line
represents the blank field. If this is the first field in
the form, Word will automatically bookmark the value
as "Text1." If you want that value populated to other
areas of the form, then doubleclick the field and
check "calculate of exit." In the other location insert {
REF Text1 }

Your macorbutton approach is a bit like mixing apples and
oranges. A macrobutton field is for firing a macro and
alternatively for acting as a placemarker to prompt users
for text. Problem is, it is just text an not a field
value. Yes, you could bracket the results in a bookmark,
but this method is wide open for users to goon up :)

There are several other options but they either require
macros or user interface to update the fields. Post back
if you want to explore either.

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Ryan,
How do i create a field in word that once populated, will then populate all
other fields that are the same. For example the macro button "Insert
inflation rate" will, once populated, populate all other fields called
""Insert inlflation rate". I know it has something to do with bookmarks but
not sure how to do it??
Are you creating a document that you could protect as a UserForm? In that
case, you'd use a form field for data entry. Then cross-reference the field's
name (which is also a bookmark). Activate the "Calculate on exit" checkbox in
the form field's Options so that the cross-references will be updated.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep 30 2003)

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reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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