Hi Macropod:
Don't you have to work backwards up the Bookmarks collection?
For oBkMk = .Bookmarks.count to 1 step -1
I always found if you went forwards, the collection re-numbers and you get
only every second one.
Hi Edmon,
As Bob (Cyber Taz) says, there's no command for deleting all bookmarks in once
go - they need to be deleted one at a time. Here's a
macro to do the job:
Sub KillBkMrks()
Dim oBkMk As Bookmark
With ActiveDocument
.Bookmarks.ShowHidden = True
For Each oBkMk In .Bookmarks
.Bookmarks.ShowHidden = False
End With
End Sub
Be warned, though, you'll destroy any cross-references etc by deleting the
bookmarks to which they refer.
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