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Hi Nick,
I just started reading the Whitechapel book the other night. Maybe I
was just tired, but the first chapter of the book left me more confused
about PIA's and the distribution requirements than I was before I began
So much of the material is new to me that I find myself re-reading a
chapter five or six times - and it still sounds new. But I'm beginning to
at least understand what I'm reading
Office 2003: don't try to distribute the PIAs - they should be installed
from the Office 2003 package.
Office 2002: you can re-distribute the PIAs you d/l from microsoft.com
and they should go into the GAC.
Office 2000: there are no PIAs. You have to use TlbImp.exe to generate a
set of IAs. These need to be distributed as part of your assembly and
should NOT be put in the GAC. (So every "supplier" will distribute their
own set of IAs for 2000).
Anyone know of a good on-line tutorial that summarizes what I need to
do in order to make an add-in compatible back to Excel 2000?
No... Especially since this scenario is explicitly NOT supported by
Theoretically, it's possible to develop and compile a 2000 Addin,
distribute it with its IAs, and have it work in all versions of Excel.
This assumes that you program in VB.NET with Option Strict OFF OR use
GetType().InvokeMember (late-binding) for all automation calls where the
method signature is different in the different versions.
Currently, with VB6, I do my development on a machine with Excel 2003
installed, but I do my builds in a Virtual PC vuirtual machine running
Excel 2000 on Windows 2000. Is it safe to assume that I would need a
similar setup (except with twice the RAM) to do the same thing with C#?
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)
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