

Wilfredo Perez

I am new to access and the database world. I need a good book so I can
understand good table design and relationships, I would like to get into VBA
and start making application, first in access than in SQL. I have played
with access before.


i often recommend Database Design for Mere Mortals by Michael Hernandez. the
data modeling principles and methodology that you'll learn from that book
will apply to any relational database, regardless of what software you use
to implement it. you need to learn relational design principles *before* you
learn to use the software of your choice (such as Access). and unless you
already have a background in programming languages, suggest you take the
time to learn how to use the software *before* you get into more advanced
development using VBA. one good text that will give you a solid foundation
in using the Access program is Microsoft Access <version> Bible by Prague
and Irwin.



A brilliant book that a teacher recomended me was Access2000 For busy People,
by Alan Neibauer.

They're not printed anymore, I was told when going to order one, but I
managed to find about 16 on Amazon, well worth having a look.

The ISBN is 0-07-211983-7

It's comical, to the point, with loads of brilliant illustrations, shortcuts
into different way on how to do stuff, and it's all un-related. (a LOT of
access book follow a project through, teaching you the stuff as you go
through it, which means if you want to try something out nearer the end of
the book, you have to build the project in the front half of the book to be
able to apply it to anything.) Acess2000 for Busy People gives u examples and
tells u how to apply something to the variable which will be your own project.

Hope this makes sense, it's definately a "toilet-read" at my house. (Not
crap, it's the only place I can get some quiet!) :)


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