Can anybody solve this problem?
I am a teacher who created an electronic grade book on
Excel. I have a formula to calculate both the student
and the class averages.
Now, I need help with a formula to convert the percentage
into a letter grade!
For example: if (cell) <=59, then F, else if (cell) <=69,
then d, else if (cell) <=79, then B, else if (cell) <=89,
then B, else if (cell) <=100, then A
I've tried several variations of this numerical to text
conversion, but to no avail!
Please help with any suggestions.
Thanks, Kevin
I am a teacher who created an electronic grade book on
Excel. I have a formula to calculate both the student
and the class averages.
Now, I need help with a formula to convert the percentage
into a letter grade!
For example: if (cell) <=59, then F, else if (cell) <=69,
then d, else if (cell) <=79, then B, else if (cell) <=89,
then B, else if (cell) <=100, then A
I've tried several variations of this numerical to text
conversion, but to no avail!
Please help with any suggestions.
Thanks, Kevin