boot bios



I tried to enter the bios but couldn't, tried esc, f1,
f10 space bar, f8, can't get there, have a gateway 3
years old and xp loaded. How can I get to the bios

Wayne Morgan

This group is for the Microsoft Access Database program. I'll try, but if it
doesn't work you'll need to ask Gateway or check in a hardware forum.

It is probably F2, but may be F1 or Del. Press and release the key several
times when you turn the computer on. If you hold the key down, you'll get a
"stuck key" error (which will sometimes also offer a way into the BIOS along
with the error message). If you wait till you see the prompt telling you how
to get in, by the time the monitor comes on and warms up it is usually too
late. So continuously pressing and releasing the key usually does it. If you
get to the WinXP splash screen, it didn't work.


One of my PCs (with XP) makes me press F2, another made me press the Delete
key. But you had to do it as soon as the PC started, at the correct point.



Someone just brought a Gateway into work with the same question...

In this case, the solution was to *hold* F1 during the post, and th
BIOS comes up. This info was documented in a doc on Gateway's site.

Hope that helps


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