border on Shared Borders



I have shared borders Top & Left. They have a different color than the page content color. I want a thin black border line separating them. The top one works fine (putting the border line on the bottom using Format/Borders & Shading), but the left shared border (with a right border line) one leaves a bit of space(the color of the Shared Border), maybe 2 px wide between the border line and the right hand edge of the shared border. It seems to me that since FP knows how much of the Shared Border to color, it should know where to place the border, but I can't figure it out. Also I am using a link bar in this left shared border

Any suggestions would be great, thanks.

Stefan B Rusynko

1) Shared border background colors require the FP2002 Server Extensions (when you publish to you ISP)
2) Open the shared border pages in the _borders folder and make them tables (of fixed px for left) w/ cellspacing and padding set to
0) and make sure there are no other tags in the page (spaces outside of the table)

| I have shared borders Top & Left. They have a different color than the page content color. I want a thin black border line
separating them. The top one works fine (putting the border line on the bottom using Format/Borders & Shading), but the left shared
border (with a right border line) one leaves a bit of space(the color of the Shared Border), maybe 2 px wide between the border line
and the right hand edge of the shared border. It seems to me that since FP knows how much of the Shared Border to color, it should
know where to place the border, but I can't figure it out. Also I am using a link bar in this left shared border.
| Any suggestions would be great, thanks.

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