1. Yes, agree. Forgot this since i *never* not use "in-line". Out of
line images are too complicated for my taste. If this the case, then my
idea does not work.
2. I don't know what a "true" caption is since I suggested the OP use a
what I could call a "regular" caption. I use use by Menu:Insert/Caption
(via a toolbar button). Paste in Image, hit cmd-enter for new line, and
insert a regular caption, apply "figure" style which has a border on the
paragraph. Works. I did not try a "true" caption as I don't know what
you mean.
3. Disagree and it's a matter of opinion. Not discussed with OP, but
since my image and caption are both left justified it looks pretty good.
Ok at right and center justified also.
4. Suppose that could happen but my captions are never long and images
also are never larger than would fit on the paper.
5. Border is around the single paragraph, and easy to change the space
above/below, indent/outdent of the contents of that paragraph. border
is independent of the paper's margin.
I think you are just being disagreeable.
. My method does work,
especially for someone who needs help with doing this and apparently
does not know Word. It's simple.
But your method is great. There are now lots of things for the OP and
others to think when deciding to but borders around both images and
Final thought: I would recommend solving the problem by keeping the
document free of unnecessary borders like this. It's just eye candy and
distracting to the reader's attention to the images and text. Just
because we can use borders on figures, margins, and wherever doesn't
mean we should. Just my two bits.
(On thinking of this, one thing that does not work with my approach is
to include a table of captions in the front of the document. Without
testing this Word won't pick up on the lack of text style as "captions"
and if including the image in the styled paragraph that also would not
work. So that is far as I can tell the only downside to the simpler
approach. Since I would never have put borders around images and
captions like this, I would not have had to waste time messing with this
Word problem which allows me to instead focus on the writing problem.)