Borders in a doc. not all way around



I have always had problems when I use format/page border, and then the on
screen shows it ALL the waya round BUT on print preview it is never on the
bottom or on a side etc always seems to have at least one side missing. I
have tried to change the settings but it is a hit and miss and generally I
have NO IDEA what I am doing but would love to have it explained and shown to
me exactly what I need to do to fix this issue.

Any help??



Thanks Jay, not solved yet. I have only read your first link and no matter
what I change the 'from edge' or 'bottom' numbers to, it still will not in
print preview show the bottom of the page border. The on screen normal view
is fine.

Will read your other link later in day . Cheers


Suzanne, You mean the top ,bottom, left, right, gutter etc area that is above
the 'from edge' ? as I have tied reseting tose numbers and still no change.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Go to Format | Borders and Shading | Page Border and click Options.
Underneath the settings for Top, Bottom, etc., there is a setting that says,
"Measure from." Change this from "Edge of page" to "Text." You can then set
how far you want the page border from your document margins. The maximum
amount is still 31 points, but you can choose to include the header and
footer or not (you'll probably have to exclude the footer if you want it to
print at the bottom).

On many printers, especially inkjets, the unprintable area on the trailing
edge of the paper (bottom of portrait pages, one side of landscape) is often
0.5" or more. 31 points (the maximum "From edge of page" setting) is 31/72",
which is obviously within that unprintable area, so there is no way a page
border on that side will be printable. But "From text" actually means "From
the document margins."


Instead of messing up with all those options, what I always do is increasing
the page height to .2 inchs. For instance, if I am using a Letter 8.5x11,
then I change the Page Height to 11.2 inchs. That is all. But it is not
recommanded if you have a document with large number of pages.

Try this and hope this help. Let us know!


Thanks to both Suzzane and RajKohli, I have now sorted what has perplexed me
for so long. Again go to the MVP's and all is revealed!!!

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