Reflex runs very well under WinXP. Here's what you need to do:
Set up a shortcut with the following properties
On the program tab: for cmd line: something like e:\reflex\reflex.exe
-a- -y+ -x+ -m+ -8087+
The switches turn off asynchronous i/o (VERY IMPORTANT or you will
corrupt your databases) and turn on expanded and extended memory,
permit the mouse to work within the program, and use the math
coprocessor in your cpu.
Set the working directory to the directory where Reflex is kept.
On the memory tab: set everything to auto except set XMS to 1024.
Reflex can only use 750 kB but this setting works well.
That is pretty much it. Your setup may need additional tweaking. If
so, e-mail me and I can probably get you going.
Keith Bernstein