Bound Fields in Access 2000



I am working with Microsoft Access 2000 out of Office 2000 Premium. I have
multiple forms with 2 "Bound" fields in each form. I use to be able to use
the "Insert Object" feature to insert necessary pictures in each bound field.
Now the bound fields do not work after installing XPSP 2. I get these
messages with a ok button below it: "Activate the OLE server outside
Microsoft Access, and then open the file containing the OLE object to verify
that it is still exists and be accessed." OR: HEADING - Microsoft Photo
Editor "Unknown File Format" (Click OK), THEN: HEADING - Microsoft Access
"There Was A Problem Loading The OLE Object" (NEXT LINE): The obbect you
tried to create or edit is not valid OLE object. Re-create the object and
then embed or link it again" (CLICK OK)

Like I said I have been using this procedure for years.

I also when, so far as to re-install Access, with NO luck with the problem.

But I did however, find out something strange with Microsoft's Photo Editor
v3.0. I tried using it to install the pictures in the bound fields and, got
the error/information message: HEADING - Microsoft Photo Editor "Unknown File
Format" (Click OK).

If anyone can help, or give me some kind of direction?!?!?! PLEASE!

Thank you for your time in reading this thread.

From Wisconsin, USA



Open the My Pictures folder (or where the pictures are) and check the format
of the pictures. Ensure this format is supported by access.

MS Photo editor is known as one of the worst editing programmes there is -
which you would think, given the size of MS, they would sort out.

Assuming the picture "are" the correct format - you can check by right
clicking and selecting "Open With" then MS Photo Editor. Then select the
"always open with" option for that picture.

I would suggest you install either photoshop or (better still) Corel (much
better) and select this as the default photo editior.

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