Bound Object Frame and misssing Word Icon


Onno Willems


I have a "Bound Object Frame" on my form which I fill with a Word document
from VBA code. The bound object frame is set to display as icon.

Code used to add document to DB:
With frbControl
.SourceDoc = sTempPath ' Path where word doc is temp stored.
.Action = acOLECreateEmbedded
End With

Everything works ok, but since I upgraded from 'Office XP' to 'Office 2003'
the bound object frame doesn't actually show an icon but only the text "Word
Document" (I can double-click it and Word opens with the right document as
expected, so its still functional).

In older records I have documents that were generated and added with Office
XP, and they still show up as Icon. Only with newly added documents the icon
is gone.

I searched the kwowledge base and numerous forums, but found nothing (well
actually, 1 person that had the same problem but no solution).

Anyone got a solution?
Onno Willems
The Netherlands

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