Break all links in the workbook




IV been trying to break links in excel workbooks by VBA
But I wanted to know how to break all the links in the workbooks, no
just one single link

ActiveWorkbook.BreakLink Name:= _
"\\excel\Portfolios\sample.xls" _
, Type:=xlExcelLinks

This code breaks single link, but is there a code to break them all.

Thanks in advanc


Hi there,

The LinkSources method returns an array of links so then it's just a matter
of stepping backwards through each one and deleting them. I'm not sure if
there's a method to delete the "links collection" (can anyone enlighten
me?). Anyway, this seems to do the job.

Best regards


Sub BreakAllWorkbookLinks()

aLinks = ActiveWorkbook.LinkSources(xlExcelLinks)
If Not IsEmpty(aLinks) Then
For i = 1 To UBound(aLinks) Step -1
Debug.Print aLinks(i)
Application.ActiveWorkbook.BreakLink _
Name:=aLinks(i), _
Next i
End If

End Sub

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