A mail merge produces one large document. I would like to
know if there is a way to chop up this document into
separate documents.
For example, if I run a mail merge for a personalized
letter to 30 people, now I have one document -- but I want
to have 30 separate letters, each of which I would like to
email to the correct recipient.
Any ideas? Ideally, I would like the 30 letters to save
with file names that allow me to easily identify which
letter goes with which email. for instance, the file name
could be based upon 1 or more of the merge codes in the
A mail merge produces one large document. I would like to
know if there is a way to chop up this document into
separate documents.
For example, if I run a mail merge for a personalized
letter to 30 people, now I have one document -- but I want
to have 30 separate letters, each of which I would like to
email to the correct recipient.
Any ideas? Ideally, I would like the 30 letters to save
with file names that allow me to easily identify which
letter goes with which email. for instance, the file name
could be based upon 1 or more of the merge codes in the