Breaking down tasks with actuals



Let's say I have a task that is estimated to take 8 wks in a baselined
schedule. Actual work is recorded as it occurs, but it becomes
apparent that estimating the remaining effort is tough for such a
large task. I'd now like to break this task up into several subtasks
for easier tracking, resource coordination, etc. If I were smart, I
would have done this at the outset -- but I wasn't.

What can be done to break this task up AND keep (recreate?) the
baseline and actual work information?



It is not possible to modify the first baseline saved. But you could save
your latest status where you have further sub divided as a second baseline
with another name i.e Baseline1.

Then you have earlier baseline for record purposes and the actual status for
remaining work can be compared with the second baseline. You can get
information of both the baselines in cols. as well as bars for comparisons.

I hope it helps


Mike Glen

Hi Paul,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

You can use Tools/Tracking.../Set Baseline and chose for selected tasks.
This will baseline the new tasks you've introduced. You will have to sort
out the actuals manually.

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Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
See for my free Project Tutorials


You can use Tools/Tracking.../Set Baseline and chose for selected tasks.
This will baseline the new tasks you've introduced.  You will have to sort
out the actuals manually.

This was what I was suspecting. To confirm then, I will have to use
various constraints (e.g., must start on) to artificially place the
new subtasks at the time they should have occurred (corresponding to
the original baseline), then baseline these specific tasks, then
remove the artificial constraints and put the real predecessors and/or
constraints in place. For the actuals, I plan to cut & paste from the
original conglomerate task. (Although I may just rename it to
"progress Before Split" and not try to sort out what has occurred thus
far. It is the remaining work that I care about now.)


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