Breaking Link to a Circular Reference with Macro




I am building a large leverage model in Excel and I am running into
long iteration times. The issue is this: I have Unlevered Total Costs
and the Interest Costs and Loan Fees that equal a New Total Cost. This
New Total Cost gets put back into the model, and is the number that
Interest and Fees are based off of, therefore changing the Interest
Costs and Loan Fees, which therefore changes the New Total Cost,

When I break the link and input the new total cost manually, it works
fine, however to get my New Total Cost cell to equal the Unlevered
Total Cost + Interest and Fee, I have to manually do the iteration 5-7

I was hoping for some input on how to solve this problem. My idea has
been to write a macro that will calculate the New Total Cost outside
the model,(dependent calculations) convert it to text, and then link
that cell to into model to then calculate through. I would then have a
button that one could just press a few times to calculate it through.

However, the macro I recorded seems to delete some of my formulas in
the model, or gives me error messages.
My skills at writing macros pretty much ends with the record button.

Any help on this or any other suggestions to reduce iteration time
would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for your time.

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