I use a standard form frequently, for environmental reports. It consist
of a table with repeated header rows. It was designed with Times Ne
Roman font throughout, and I have been using it for some time. Recentl
our city made a policy that new documents have to be written in Aria
font, 12 pt. I changed the fonts for this table and all seems fin
except for one thing:
When I write too much in one row, the row does not break across th
pages. I checked the table properties and the "allow row to brea
across pages" item is always checked. I have looked at paragrap
formatting and font formatting and can find no clue. Any ideas? Pleas
note that before I changed the fonts from Times to Arial I had n
difficulty breaking rows
of a table with repeated header rows. It was designed with Times Ne
Roman font throughout, and I have been using it for some time. Recentl
our city made a policy that new documents have to be written in Aria
font, 12 pt. I changed the fonts for this table and all seems fin
except for one thing:
When I write too much in one row, the row does not break across th
pages. I checked the table properties and the "allow row to brea
across pages" item is always checked. I have looked at paragrap
formatting and font formatting and can find no clue. Any ideas? Pleas
note that before I changed the fonts from Times to Arial I had n
difficulty breaking rows