Breaking up a massive site, using master pages



I am going to create individual files with master page duplicates and back
them all up twice for security. However, was wondering if there is an easy
way to take what I have created, background color and all, to a new publisher
file without having to search through the colors and reblend those all again.
Thanks, John

Mike Koewler


Cheat! Open the file, Save As a different name, then delete what you
don't want or need.



LOLOL, Thanks again Mike. Having mad issues with backgrounds. Going to have
to have someone design the 12 missing states. Not pleased lol.


I do mean backgrounds. I have pictures inserted over a background color
blend, and don't want to sit and enter all the numerical data to achieve the
same results. I will make masters for each state, and agency, with all
attributes, but first have to get images and additional data installed. The
masters will be stored as a backup, as will an extra copy of the files I am


Excuse me for jumping in here, but I hope you truly mean "background" and
not "master page". The master page feature in Publisher should not be used
with web creates unpredictable results.



I'm trying to publish several (5) websites to one server using Publisher
2007. I'm having a hard time figuring out the path names that I need to use
to get the links to work. My primary site has its own domain name, but when
I FTP the rest of the sites, the links don't work. HELP.........!!!!?!?!?!?!


I tried really hard to start a new thread and it wasn't working. I am trying
to "resolve" the URL " and I want to
add hairimpressions.index.htm as well as hairwegoagain.index.htm and
nicoleshairdesigns.htm. When these are saved they save in

I have them "registered" as sub-domains in, but
I cannot get the links to work. I would so appreciate any help. godaddy is
my hosting service. I have two domains on the same hosting account. The
primary one is


Please post the URL to the website, and tell us the specific link(s) that
don't work. Tell use where you are uploading the other webpages, and give us
an example of how you are writing your links. Help us to help you.

In the future, start a new thread instead of adding to a closed thread.



Review the article: Building a web site with multiple Publisher web
publication files:

You seem to have nicoleshairdesigns set up correctly, except for the link
from your home page. Try this link:
instead of

Use the same approach with the other links, both in how you write them and
where you upload those Pub files. Do not use spaces or apostrophes in a file
name as you have in "lily's.html". Also don't mix your extensions. Publisher
2003 defaults to .htm, so I would stay with that one.

I don't know that you need to use subdomains if you follow the above
approach. However, if you want to use subdomains, then reference the
instructions on GoDaddy. The links would be entirely different, perhaps

Good luck.


Mike Koewler

I host three named sites and several unnamed (not registered, simply a
subfolder) on my server. The Add-on domains, and have their own folder (bluestar and stjames,
respectively). To upload pages, I select the path to the folder, and that's where the files
go. I have probably 10 index.html files total, but all are in different
folders. Also, each site has its own file. If I need to cross link
between sites, I use an absolute link: If it is the same site but a
different page, the link gets written as 'index.html. Of course, each
folder can have a sub-folder, so for a forum on BlueStar the link would
be '/forum/index.php

Your server may be different.



I don't want to confuse you but personally I find that using subfolders is
an easier way to organize and create a website using multiple Publisher

As an example I would create subfolders on your site, right along and at the
same level as your index_files folder. I would create a subfolder called
"nicolehairdesigns", and then when you Publish to the Web from the nicole
Pub file, I would just let Publisher use the default name of index.htm and
thus thereby another index_files folder containing the other pages and
supporting graphics for nicole. Then you would upload both that index.htm
file and the index_files folder to the subfolder "nicolehairdesigns". Then
your link to the home page for nicolehairdesigns would be:

Personally I find that changing the index.htm file to a more personalized
file such as "nicoleshairdesigns.htm" more difficult to remember than
index.htm. But that is not to say that others would not prefer the way David
Bartosik suggests, and the way you are approaching this.


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