Bridge documents....Red Hearts and Diamonds, Balck Clubs and Spade



How do I write tutorials for Bridge so word can type, autocorrect or insert
the proper character with its proper color? Red Hearts and Diamonds, Balck
Clubs and Spades are typed many many types, how can this be automated?

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Create what it is that you want to be inserted (I am not quite sure what it
is), then select it and from the Tools menu, select AutoCorrect Options and
then go to the AutoCorrect tab and in the "Replace text as you type" section
of the dialog, check the "Formatted text" radio button and in the "Replace"
control, type whatever it is that you want to be replaced with the formatted
text. Then click on the Add button. The entry that you type should be
unique as after doing this, whenever you type that entry and press the space
bar, that typing will be replaced by the autocorrect item.
Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Dear Mr. Robbins:
Thank you for your help. I had already tried your suggestion, the problem is
that if I type "hhh" for a red heart or "ddd" for a red diamond the font
color stays red and I have to select black in order to continue typing.
Is there a way to automate it adds:
Selection.TypeText Text:=" "
Selection.Font.Color = wdColorAutomatic
right after that?


(I need to do "hhh" red heart "ddd" red diamond "ccc" black club "sss" black

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

When you create the autotext entry, format the text in the colour that you
want and have space after it that is formatted as automatic. Then select
the text AND the space when you are creating the autotext entry. When the
autotext is inserted, you will have two spaces after it, but all you have to
do is hit the backspace key once to delete the second space and then keep on

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Graham Mayor

Better still save each of the card symbols in the size and colour you want
as formatted autocorrect entries. Use suitable accelerators such as #h, #c,
#s, and #d whenever you are typing just type #h and you'll get a red heart
without any jiggery pokery to keep the following text black.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>


Dear Mr Mayor:
That was my initial approach and I still can not get it to work.
♠ pic ♥ heart ♣ club ♦ diamond (heart and diamond symbols in red)
This sentence should be written:
ppp pic hhh heart ccc club ddd diamond (only hhh & ddd = red, all the rest
without having to select font color at anytime....

If I use autocorrect the word right after the symbol keeps the font color
from the symbol!!!!



Graham Mayor

The manual formatting applied to the heart and diamond should not be carried
to the following text. I cannot persuade it to do so.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

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