I am trying to setup a synchronisation relationship between my desktop (main
PC) and laptop using Briefcase. I have looked at previous correspondence on
this site, but none quite relate to my queries. I did notice, however, a
recommendation for the following article:
In following its advice I have two problems. The author uses the path:
File | Open Special Folders or File | Open | Personal Folders to open the
folder(s) from the Briefcase .pst file in your Outlook profile.
In Outlook 2003 I do not have this path, but I do have:
File/Open/Outlook Data File
This does lead me to the required pst file in the briefcase. When I opt for
this, and follow the rest of the article, I seem to create a second Personal
Folder on my laptop Outlook. One is the original laptop Outlook
(out-of-date) and the revised Outlook that matches my Desktop Outlook. I
cannot delete the original laptop Outlook. It is confusing having two
Personal Folders
How do I overwrite the old Outlook rather than create a second Personal
Folders on my laptop?
PC) and laptop using Briefcase. I have looked at previous correspondence on
this site, but none quite relate to my queries. I did notice, however, a
recommendation for the following article:
In following its advice I have two problems. The author uses the path:
File | Open Special Folders or File | Open | Personal Folders to open the
folder(s) from the Briefcase .pst file in your Outlook profile.
In Outlook 2003 I do not have this path, but I do have:
File/Open/Outlook Data File
This does lead me to the required pst file in the briefcase. When I opt for
this, and follow the rest of the article, I seem to create a second Personal
Folder on my laptop Outlook. One is the original laptop Outlook
(out-of-date) and the revised Outlook that matches my Desktop Outlook. I
cannot delete the original laptop Outlook. It is confusing having two
Personal Folders
How do I overwrite the old Outlook rather than create a second Personal
Folders on my laptop?