bring information from one sheet to another



I have a spreadsheet that has pulled data from the database into sheet 1. In
sheet 2 i want excel to tell me how much of each product code and the total
quantity of that product code was picked. Example 00048003 is the product
code and then l have x amont of rows with a quantity next to it. I want to
siphon it done like below
00048003 = 2500 cartons
00447006 = 500 cartons
00449006 = 50 cartons and so on
the data can be refereshed at a later time which then l would like excel to
update sheet 2 with this information?
thanks in advance.


Assuming your product codes are in column A of both sheets, and the
quantities in column B, then put this formula in B1 of Sheet2:


Copy down to cover the data you have in column A.

Hope this helps.



Thanks Pete for the response but the data is in column E sheet 1 for the
product codes and sheet 1 column W. So do l have put the results back into
both columns of sheet 2? or can l put the results into sheet 2 column A and
then column B? Thanks


Your results will appear in whichever column you put the formula, so
in Sheet2 put your product codes in column A and the formula in column


which means add up the values in Sheet1 column W IF the code in Sheet1
column E matches the code in A1 (of sheet2). Copy down as required,
with other product codes in column A.

Hope this helps.


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