Broken connection to macros



Major Macro Mystery
1. Created word 2000 macros which I assigned to toolbars as
2. When placing macro (Ex- NewMacro.APlus) on toolbar, I
shortened button names (EX - button reads'A+')
3. Macros worked fine until I updated OS to XP
4. Buttons no longer function, but the original macro
(NewMacro.APlus)still works. I can also:
A. Delete first-created button (A+)
B. Pull original macro to toolbar as new button,
name it A+,and it will function as before.
5. I cannot reestablish the connection between the formal
macro in storage and the original button names. To go
through the whole process again is laborious.

Second Problem

When I highlight text in Word, I have always been able to
delete the text by pressing 'delete' key on keyboard.
Recently, I lost this use.Hitting 'backspace' will delete
the text,but 'delete' won't work.

Thanks For Any Help, BR

Mark Tangard


On your second question, turn off the 2 WordPerfect options
in Tools­> Options­> General. Somehow they got enabled and
that's what's causing what you see. (When you hit DELETE,
there's a tiny "Delete Block (Yes/No)" in the Status bar,
right? It's part of the admittedly near-useless WordPerfect
simulation option.)

On your macros: It's a puzzler. Did you reinstall Office
when you upgraded the OS? If so, are these macros in your
Normal template (vs. an add-in)? Did you place your old
Normal in the new-for-XP templates folder? (Word's file
locations may change when the OS is upgraded even if the
Word version doesn't.) I'm wondering if you noe have 2
Normal.dots now, one in the old folder and one, nearly
empty, in the new one.

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