A few weeks ago, my Word application began misbehaving and I have not been
able to figure out how to fix the problem. In the past, when I typed in a
web address, such as www.google.com in a Word document, Word would display
the link in a blue color and underlined (I believe), and then if I clicked on
the link, it would launch a browser. Now, when I type in an address such as
www.google.com and hit return, the display reads
{HYPERLINK "http://www.google.com"}
and the browser autolaunch no longer works. This also effects other
references, such as page numbers. This is driving me crazy because it messes
up many of my documents. WHat is the fix for this? Many many thanksin
advance for help on this.
able to figure out how to fix the problem. In the past, when I typed in a
web address, such as www.google.com in a Word document, Word would display
the link in a blue color and underlined (I believe), and then if I clicked on
the link, it would launch a browser. Now, when I type in an address such as
www.google.com and hit return, the display reads
{HYPERLINK "http://www.google.com"}
and the browser autolaunch no longer works. This also effects other
references, such as page numbers. This is driving me crazy because it messes
up many of my documents. WHat is the fix for this? Many many thanksin
advance for help on this.