broken links on web page



Hi there,
I'm trying to update an old web page that has a number of
out of date links which no longer function. I sourced the original
material stored on my computer and updated all of the links, saved it
in web page form, and uploaded the data to the web site. Problem is,
when I try testing the updated links I keep getting error message
saying that the files can't be sourced! It shouldn't be looking for
files, it should be searching for the relevant web address.

As an alternative, I've simply gone back to the source material, used
the 'view as web page' facility to test the links on my own machine,
only to see the same thing happen. It wants to find a file in the
Administrator/setting section of my system.

Oddly, all the other links that didn't require change work perfectly,
yet if I try and change them to something else the same problem comes
up again.

Can anyone tell me what the problem is? I've used various versions of
Publisher for years to create web pages, and have never encountered
this problem before.

I don't know if it makes any difference, but I should point out that
the original folder containing the publisher document and relavent
jpegs has been shifted from it's orginal site in 'my documents' to a
secondary HD. It shouldn't make any difference, but I'm pointing it
out just in case there's something to it that might be causing the

I use Publisher 2000 by the way.

Thanks in advance


Though you say you are using Pub 2000, it sounds like you are now using 2002
or higher. If you are using Pub 2000, its possible that moving to the
secondary drive may be the problem. You may need to write the links in a
different way, and upload the external files yourself. Reference this
article: Including external files in a Publisher web:

In the future, you should post your web questions in the web newsgroup:


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