Browse Dialog Box



Thanks for taking the time to ready my question.

I have a sub that helps me save an e-mail message to a folder on my
computer. What I have to do at the moment is type the full path into an
InputBox. What I'd like to do is have a dialog box pop up that has a browse
button on it. I can do this in MS Access, and copied my code over, but it
doesn't work in Outlook.

Does anyone know where I might find this type of code so I can use it in

Here is what I use in Access:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

'************** Code Start **************
'This code was originally written by Terry Kreft.
'It is not to be altered or distributed,
'except as part of an application.
'You are free to use it in any application,
'provided the copyright notice is left unchanged.
'Code courtesy of
'Terry Kreft

hOwner As Long
pidlRoot As Long
pszDisplayName As String
lpszTitle As String
ulFlags As Long
lpfn As Long
lParam As Long
iImage As Long
End Type

Private Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib "shell32.dll" Alias _
"SHGetPathFromIDListA" (ByVal pidl As Long, _
ByVal pszPath As String) As Long

Private Declare Function SHBrowseForFolder Lib "shell32.dll" Alias _
"SHBrowseForFolderA" (lpBrowseInfo As BROWSEINFO) _
As Long

Public Function BrowseFolder(szDialogTitle As String) As String
Dim x As Long, bi As BROWSEINFO, dwIList As Long
Dim szPath As String, wPos As Integer

With bi
.hOwner = hWndAccessApp
.lpszTitle = szDialogTitle
End With

dwIList = SHBrowseForFolder(bi)
szPath = Space$(512)
x = SHGetPathFromIDList(ByVal dwIList, ByVal szPath)

If x Then
wPos = InStr(szPath, Chr(0))
BrowseFolder = Left$(szPath, wPos - 1)
BrowseFolder = vbNullString
End If
End Function
'*********** Code End *****************

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Other than the Option Compare Database that should work as well in Outlook
VBA as it does in Access VBA. What problems are you having with it?

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