"Browsed Pages"



How do you erase the list of browed pages found in Microsoft Office products
when you "Edit Hyperlink" and select "Browed Pages"?

I cleared these:

<drive>\Documents and Settings\[your UserID]\Recent
<drive>\Documents and Settings\[your UserID]\Local Settings\History
<drive>\Documents and Settings\[your UserID]\Application

and searched through regedt32, regedit and through other profiles and didn't
find any of the pages still listed in "Browsed Pages"

These pages do not show up if you log on as another user.

The pages I still have listed in Browsed Pages of the Insert Hyperlink
window for Microsoft Office are years old.

Milly Staples - [MVP - Outlook]

Have you cleared your history in IE?

Milly Staples - [MVP Outlook]

Post all replies to the news group. Unsolicited mail sent to my
personal address will be deleted without reading.

After furious head scratching, Teal <[email protected]> asked:

| How do you erase the list of browed pages found in Microsoft Office
| products when you "Edit Hyperlink" and select "Browed Pages"?
| I cleared these:
| <drive>\Documents and Settings\[your UserID]\Recent
| <drive>\Documents and Settings\[your UserID]\Local Settings\History
| <drive>\Documents and Settings\[your UserID]\Application
| Data\Microsoft\Office\Recent
| and searched through regedt32, regedit and through other profiles and
| didn't find any of the pages still listed in "Browsed Pages"
| These pages do not show up if you log on as another user.
| The pages I still have listed in Browsed Pages of the Insert Hyperlink
| window for Microsoft Office are years old.

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