Browser page conflicts


Bill Schroyer

Set your main table to 750 pixels then center it. On your
next nested table you should allow 1 cell to be a
percentage, preferably without a fixed object (pictures)
so if a user doesn't have the browser fully expanded the
percentage cell will adjust. A simple sample below, copy
and paste into a page using html or code view, replace all
the code on the page.


<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
<title>Sample Page Layout - Tables -750 pixels</title>
<!--Sample Page Layout - Tables -750 pixels,>


<div align="center">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
width="750" id="table3">
<p align="center"><br>
<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"
width="750" id="table1">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
width="100%" id="table2">
<td width="140" valign="top">&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;</td>
<td width="400" valign="top">&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;</p>
<td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
width="750" id="table4">
<p align="center"><br>



Bill Schroyer
(e-mail address removed)
-----Original Message-----
This question is pertaining to the web page displaying
the same for different resolutions.
I am using Frontpage 2000. My users (or viewers) will
probably have various knowledge of the computer and
therefore be viewing my site at various screen resolutions
(800 X 600 and 1024 X 768).My problem is how do I design a
site that will appear exactly the same for both these
widths (allowing no word wrap for sentences, right aligned
sentences do not wrap onto the next line if a smaller
resolution is being used, etc). I thought that before I
start a page I would create one large table and then all
the contents would be within that table. Then I could
create other tables to position pictures, etc. But the
large table would control the size of the page
displayed.Does this plan of action sound like a solution
to the problem? If so, would you suggest I use the
relative width set to 100% or the absolute width set to
pixels (If so, what pixel width would be best for an 800 X
600 resolution (710 pixels?)). I think this site should be
designed based on this resolution.

Stefan B Rusynko

This part of your code is wrong - you open a comment w/o closing it

<title>Sample Page Layout - Tables -750 pixels</title>
<!--Sample Page Layout - Tables -750 pixels,>

If you are doing to include it, it should be

<title>Sample Page Layout - Tables -750 pixels</title>
<!--Sample Page Layout - Tables -750 pixels, -->

| Set your main table to 750 pixels then center it. On your
| next nested table you should allow 1 cell to be a
| percentage, preferably without a fixed object (pictures)
| so if a user doesn't have the browser fully expanded the
| percentage cell will adjust. A simple sample below, copy
| and paste into a page using html or code view, replace all
| the code on the page.
| <html>
| <head>
| <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">
| <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
| charset=windows-1252">
| <title>Sample Page Layout - Tables -750 pixels</title>
| <!--Sample Page Layout - Tables -750 pixels,
| </head>
| <body>
| <div align="center">
| <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
| width="750" id="table3">
| <tr>
| <td>
| <p align="center"><br>
| Header<br>
| &nbsp;</td>
| </tr>
| </table>
| <p>&nbsp;</p>
| <table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"
| width="750" id="table1">
| <tr>
| <td>
| <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
| width="100%" id="table2">
| <tr>
| <td width="140" valign="top">&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;</td>
| <td width="400" valign="top">&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;</p>
| <p>&nbsp;</p>
| <p>&nbsp;</p>
| <p>&nbsp;</p>
| <p>&nbsp;</p>
| <p>&nbsp;</p>
| <p>&nbsp;</p>
| <p>&nbsp;</td>
| <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
| </tr>
| </table>
| </td>
| </tr>
| </table>
| &nbsp;<p>&nbsp;</p>
| <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
| width="750" id="table4">
| <tr>
| <td>
| <p align="center"><br>
| Footer<br>
| &nbsp;</td>
| </tr>
| </table>
| </div>
| </body>
| </html>
| Bill Schroyer
| (e-mail address removed)
| >-----Original Message-----
| >This question is pertaining to the web page displaying
| the same for different resolutions.
| >
| >I am using Frontpage 2000. My users (or viewers) will
| probably have various knowledge of the computer and
| therefore be viewing my site at various screen resolutions
| (800 X 600 and 1024 X 768).My problem is how do I design a
| site that will appear exactly the same for both these
| widths (allowing no word wrap for sentences, right aligned
| sentences do not wrap onto the next line if a smaller
| resolution is being used, etc). I thought that before I
| start a page I would create one large table and then all
| the contents would be within that table. Then I could
| create other tables to position pictures, etc. But the
| large table would control the size of the page
| displayed.Does this plan of action sound like a solution
| to the problem? If so, would you suggest I use the
| relative width set to 100% or the absolute width set to
| pixels (If so, what pixel width would be best for an 800 X
| 600 resolution (710 pixels?)). I think this site should be
| designed based on this resolution.
| >
| >Thank you so much for your help. I appreciate all the
| input I get.
| >
| >Kevin
| >.
| >

Thomas A. Rowe

If you have base table set to 750 pixels, then insert a nested table using %, nothing will change if
the users resize their browser window, since the 750 is fixed.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

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