BSM contacts on Windows Mobile



I've just got an imate Jam pda/phone with Windows Mobile (full version) in
order to synchronise my business and personal contacts with the phone and
retain the data. Unfortunately the business contacts aren't coming across
from Outlook (2003). I can't see any options in ActiveSync to select them.
You can change the categories to sync, but they're all selected already. Any


Mr. Ben I don't think you can sync BCM contacts with a smartphone at this
time. There is a ppc download to where you can use active synch to update
these contacts with a pocket PC but not a smartphone.

I too am in a situation such as yours as I need my contacts while I'm
traveling. I think it would be a killer app if somebody would write one. I
am working on something to synchronize them into an exchange folder. You may
be able to take what I have and write the BCM contacts to the default contact
folder so they synch.

I only have limited functionality at this time and have it synching one way.

Can any one at MS comment as to whether you are working on an installation
for smartphone synchronization?


Hi Kris, thanks for your response. The Jam isn't a Smartphone as it has the
full version of Windows Mobile, I bought it for that reason cos I was led to
believe that it would sync. I think I got that info from Odyssey Computing - who I think make some software that will sync this data. For
some reason, I just thought the Pocket PC phone would just sync OK, but
perhaps I need this software.

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