Here's a really odd bug for you.
I regularly use a setup involving a projector, using Remote Desktop to run
an Excel sheet on my computer with a macro linked to a command button.
Local on my computer this works great. When using Remote Desktop as
described above, every time I use the command button, the font size
decreases, until in the end it is illegible.
Only workaround I have found sofar is to continuously increase the font size
on the command button. At the moment this is Arial 500 points, and appearance
is the same as 14 points size in rest of the document.
I use Excel 2003 (11.6560.6568) SP2
I regularly use a setup involving a projector, using Remote Desktop to run
an Excel sheet on my computer with a macro linked to a command button.
Local on my computer this works great. When using Remote Desktop as
described above, every time I use the command button, the font size
decreases, until in the end it is illegible.
Only workaround I have found sofar is to continuously increase the font size
on the command button. At the moment this is Arial 500 points, and appearance
is the same as 14 points size in rest of the document.
I use Excel 2003 (11.6560.6568) SP2