BUG: Checkboxes disappeared when outline was collapsed


Dave Mackersie

I have an outline in which many of the items and subitems have checkboxes.
When I double clicked on an item to collapse the outline, it did not
collapse, and all of the checkboxes on the page disappeared. When I scrolled
the page down and back up again, the checkboxes reappeared. However, I was
still not able to collapse the outline as the problem would repeat itself.
Also, I was no longer able to drag and drop lines around in the outline. I
was able to fix the problem, for a short while at least, by copying the text
frame to a new page in OneNote, however the problem eventually started
happening again. The last time it happened, the problem corrected itself
after I opened a different folder in OneNote and then returned to the page
that had the problem.

I started experiencing this problem after upgrading to SP1, and it has
happened to me a few times now.

Has anyone else seen this problem ?

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