BUG?: Excel scatter chart: will not plot x-values



I am trying to make a simple scatter plot. There are two
columns of data. Excel will not plot values on the x-
axis, only categories. I have entered the ranges for x
and y values correctly, and the chart wizard shows it;
yet, the chart comes out with the x-axis showing only the
points numbered in the order they are entered in the
spreadsheet. Oddly enough, if only one y-value is
included, it plots properly; the x-axis correctly shows
the range of x-values entered, and the single data point
shows up at its proper xy location. as soon as I expand
the y-range to more points, the x-axis reverts to
categories, and can't be fixed. I think this is a bug.
How so I fix it? Thanks.

Earl Kiosterud


Ensure that this is in fact an xy chart: With the chart selected, Chart -
Chart Type. If so, look at Chart - Source Data, Series tab: Ensure there
that the x and y cell references are what you want. Still failing? Remove
formatting from your x and y cells (Format - Cells - Number - General).
What do you see there?

Michael R Middleton

Bob -

Two things to check:

(1) Be sure the chart type is XY (Scatter).

(2) Be sure all data values are numeric, not text. If even one is
non-numeric, the XY (Scatter) chart will revert to Line (category labels on
the horizontal axis).

To fix, enter 0 (zero) in a cell, copy the cell, select the cells containing
the chart data, and choose Edit | Paste Special | Add.

- Mike



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