BUG: Exploding filesize 100kB->30MB. Can anybody reproduce this?!



Problem: Excel file going from 100kB to 30MB just by opening and saving a

To reproduce: Make a few columns of data. Plot them using sheet embedded
XY-charts. When adding the series mark the whole column as x and y data, this
makes Excel use 32000 rows. Now save the file, this gives a 100kB file.
Reopen and save in a new file and you have a 30MB file.

Example file: http://home.tiscali.dk/phreaky/excel/titrations.xls
Open it and save it again this gives you 30MB of CRAP!
No it does not have macro/vira only a few sheets with embedded charts and
raw data.

The error is reproduceable in Excel 2000 w. 98 and Excel 2003 w. XP.

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