Bug: exported .docx files do not have closing B/I tags in numberin



When I have a line of text that is fully bold or italic formatted, that has
numbering, the numbering element itself picks up the formatting as well if
you turn numbering off, then on again.

I don't know if this is intentional or not. It doesn't really matter, but I
expect it should not be picking up the formatting.

The bigger problem is that when the numbering picks up the formatting and is
exported to a .docx or .doc file, OneNote's exported file fails to close the
formatting tag at the end of the line.

The result is that the rest of the text in the exported page carries the

Thank you.

John Guin [msft]

Hi Jon,

I could not reproduce this behavior by following these steps:
1. Open a new page
2. Type 3 lines
3. Select all the lines, add bullet points to them
4. Highlight line 2, change text to red
5. Higlight line 3, text to green
6. Toggle the bullet points in lines 2 and 3 off then back on.
7. Now I have 3 lines of text, black, red, green, with corresponding bullet
points in the same colors.

When I save the page as doc, docx or mht, each of the lines in the
corresponding files shows as the correct color.

Can you point out what I am doing differently? I'm using OneNote 2007 with
SP1 on a Vista machine.



Thanks for responding so quickly!

I have reproduced the bug, but I'm not sure how I did it, or how to describe

Here is an image of my OneNote page, and the immediate export to .docx and
viewed in Word 2007.

Especially egregious is the 1. b. i. 1. a. i. entry in Word 2007, which has
picked up both bold and italics where neither was present in OneNote 2007.

Several things which may be red herrings but I think are relevant:
- The headings have picked up the formatting
- The formatting is bold and italic
- At least one line wraps

I hope it helps.



John Guin [msft]

Thanks Jon.

Can you also post the .ONE file (or go to my blog - link below - and email
me the file)?

I'll also try to reproduce the problem with more sub topics.

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