Bug in Extensibility wizard in VS.Net 2003 Ent. Arch.



I have found something weird with the deployment project, generated by
this wizard.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Start new Extensibility project (C# for Outlook, load on application
start, only current user).
2. Remove the reference to Microsoft.Office.core.
3. Add reference to MSO9.olb - the Outlook 2000 dll, and it will
generate Outlook interop and Office interop.
4. Build the project and the deployment project
5. If you check the generated .msi file with ORCA, in the class section
you will see xx.Connect. If you use this deployment, the addin is
registered, and everything is OK so far.
6. Now add a new System.Windows.Forms.UserControl to the project
7. Make it implement Outlook.PropertyPage interface.
8. Rebuild the deployment project
9. In ORCA you will see that Class section is empty. And this install
file does not register the classes and addin is not working. It'll work
on dev. machine, because VS.Net is registering the project for COM
interop, but the installer will not register the addin .Connect class
for COM Interop on any other machine.
10. If you remove the ", Outlook.PropertyPage" part from the control
declaration, the install file is build correct. But actually you can not
have a custom options page with your addin.

I have solved the problem placing that control in different assembly,
which I reference from the addin, and it is working, but ...

Please someone to try to reproduce this behaviour and to tell me am I
correct, or something is not OK with my VS.Net.


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