Bug in my code



I've modified this Find routine somewhat to return
an array of line numbers where Columns G & F match string ta.

I thought it was working perfectly - until it failed, and I can't see
where or how.

For my test I entered "ColF" into $F$6, $F$83, $F$160, $F$239, $F$319
and "ColG" into $G$6, $G$83, $G$160, $G$239, $G$319
into Sheet "Formats".

The function is :-

Function GetLines(mSheet, ta, ByVal fromLine)
'Returns Array of line numbers in mSheet where Cols G + F = ta.
Starting from fromline
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Quit As Boolean
ReDim nums(0) As Variant
Dim lastfound, fl
Dim iRow As Long, LastRow
With Worksheets(mSheet)
Set Rng =
LastRow = Rng.row
While Quit = False
On Error Resume Next
iRow = .Evaluate("Match(" & Chr$(34) & ta & Chr$(34) & ", G" &
fromLine & ":G" & LastRow & "&F" & fromLine & ":F" & LastRow & ", 0)")
On Error GoTo 0
If iRow = lastfound Then
Quit = True
lastfound = iRow
If iRow > 0 Then
ReDim Preserve nums(UBound(nums) + 1)
fl = iRow + (fromLine - 1)
nums(UBound(nums)) = fl
End If
End If
fromLine = fl + 1
End With
Set Rng = Nothing
GetLines = nums
Erase nums
End Function

If I call this with :-

Sub testget()
Dim ta, f, TheLines
ta = "ColGColF": f = 6
TheLines = GetLines("Formats", ta, f)
For f = 1 To UBound(TheLines)
Debug.Print TheLines(f)
End Sub

and I see

But increasing f to an 8 does return the correct 4 line numbers


I hope someone might see why using 6 only returns 2 of what should be

Many thanks - Kirk. Apologies if this is a bit long-winded.

Per Jessen


This is not the entire solution, but as the first element in an array
has number 0 unless Option Base 1 is used, you should use:

For f = 0 to UBound(TheLines)

Hopes it helps.


John Bundy

Ok, it took a bit to figure out what you were doing, but i got it. You just
happened to be extremely lucky(unlucky) in your choice of columns for
testing. The reason for the failure is that you are stopping it if
iRow=Lastfound, which coincidentally occurs when you don't want it to. 6 and
83 are 77 apart, 83 and 160 is also 77 apart so the routine ends there. I
commented out that piece below and added a line that says if the fromLine is
ever higher than the lastRow then quit.

Function GetLines(msheet, ta, ByVal fromLine)
'Returns Array of line numbers in mSheet where Cols G + F = ta.Starting from
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Quit As Boolean
ReDim nums(0) As Variant
Dim lastfound, fl
Dim iRow As Long, LastRow
With Worksheets(msheet)
Set Rng = Worksheets(msheet).Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)
LastRow = Rng.Row
While Quit = False
On Error Resume Next
'MsgBox "Match(" & Chr$(34) & ta & Chr$(34) & ", G" & fromLine &
":G" & LastRow & "&F" & fromLine & ":F" & LastRow & ", 0)"
iRow = .Evaluate("Match(" & Chr$(34) & ta & Chr$(34) & ", G" &
fromLine & ":G" & LastRow & "&F" & fromLine & ":F" & LastRow & ", 0)")

On Error GoTo 0
' If iRow = lastfound Then
' Quit = True
' Else
lastfound = iRow
If iRow > 0 Then
ReDim Preserve nums(UBound(nums) + 1)
fl = iRow + (fromLine - 1)
nums(UBound(nums)) = fl
End If
'End If
fromLine = fl + 1
If fromLine > LastRow Then Quit = True

End With
Set Rng = Nothing
GetLines = nums
Erase nums
End Function

Sub testget()
Dim ta, f, TheLines
ta = "ColGColF": f = 1
TheLines = GetLines("Sheet1", ta, f)
For f = 1 To UBound(TheLines)
mystring = mystring & TheLines(f) & vbCrLf
MsgBox mystring
End Sub


Ok, it took a bit to figure out what you were doing, but i got it. You just
happened to be extremely lucky(unlucky) in your choice of columns for
testing. The reason for the failure is that you are stopping it if
iRow=Lastfound, which coincidentally occurs when you don't want it to. 6 and
83 are 77 apart, 83 and 160 is also 77 apart so the routine ends there. I
commented out that piece below and added a line that says if the fromLine is
ever higher than the lastRow then quit.
Hi John,

Brilliant, sanity restored and I can see the problem and why is isn't
always a problem!

So iRow repeats the last value for no match found.. which may
sometimes be the next number. I wonder how you detect a real no

Drawing board out again... many thanks for the help.

Cheers - kirk



This is not the entire solution, but as the first element in an array
has number 0 unless Option Base 1 is used, you should use:

Thanks Per, I'll remember that. I may have Base 1 set without
realising... element (1) seems to always be the first.

Cheers - Kirk

keiji kounoike

Your Evaluate part is hard to read for me. so, I rewrite your code. note
that array nums start from nums(0) in my code.

Function GetLines(mSheet, ta, ByVal fromLine)
Dim Rng As Range
Dim nums() As Long
Dim Lastrow As Long, co As Long
Dim iRow As Variant
Dim arr As Variant

Set Rng = Worksheets(mSheet).Range("A1") _
Lastrow = Rng.Row
ReDim nums(Lastrow)
Do While fromLine < Lastrow
arr = Evaluate("F" & fromLine & ":F" & Lastrow & "&" _
& "G" & fromLine & ":G" & Lastrow)
iRow = Application.Match(ta, arr, 0)
If IsError(iRow) Then
Exit Do
End If
nums(co) = iRow + (fromLine - 1)
fromLine = nums(co) + 1
co = co + 1
If co > 0 Then
ReDim Preserve nums(co - 1)
ReDim Preserve nums(co)
End If
GetLines = nums
End Function


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