BUG in Office 2003 Outlook Junk Mail Update



Myself and others all over the Net are having issues with the last 4 updates
from Microsoft on our Office 2003 Pro products with regards to Junk Mail
issues and Mail Rules as a whole. anyone know of a fix or hotfix for this

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

No information = no bug = no hotfix. Why issue a hotfix for an unexplained,
undescribed, undefined "bug"?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Filcro asked:

| Myself and others all over the Net are having issues with the last 4
| updates from Microsoft on our Office 2003 Pro products with regards
| to Junk Mail issues and Mail Rules as a whole. anyone know of a fix
| or hotfix for this BUG ?


In outlook 2003 emails now go to the junk mail folder. Rules no longer work.

Have rewritten all rules.
Turned off all other programs
done a repair and detect
spy, virus and othher issues not there
norton spam turned off - set off and out of setup
done defrag
cleaned registry
all cookies gone

Email still goes into junk mail folder and OUtlook 2003 does not care about

Rules set as: based on content of subject line move to specific folder
45 rules all writtent the same and worked for YEARS until the last 4
Microsoft updates for Outlook 2003 and Junk Mail

Eliminated updates no good
Reinstalled updates no good.

How about a fix for this poor guy who would love to stop drinking jolt-cola
and get some sleep :eek:)

Rules tried with continue and to STOP after each rule


I had that problem and can't remember how to fix it. Did you go thru very
carefully all the setting you have in Office. Seems I remember something got
changed and they all went to junk.
Also, look at your Net mail. Look at those settings and see if they got
changed. Something got changed by mistake. Also, I take it you did the latest


Filcro said:
In outlook 2003 emails now go to the junk mail folder. Rules no longer work.

Have rewritten all rules.
Turned off all other programs
done a repair and detect
spy, virus and othher issues not there
norton spam turned off - set off and out of setup
done defrag
cleaned registry
all cookies gone

Email still goes into junk mail folder and OUtlook 2003 does not care about

Rules set as: based on content of subject line move to specific folder
45 rules all writtent the same and worked for YEARS until the last 4
Microsoft updates for Outlook 2003 and Junk Mail

Eliminated updates no good
Reinstalled updates no good.

How about a fix for this poor guy who would love to stop drinking jolt-cola
and get some sleep :eek:)

Rules tried with continue and to STOP after each rule

Milly Staples said:
No information = no bug = no hotfix. Why issue a hotfix for an unexplained,
undescribed, undefined "bug"?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Filcro asked:

| Myself and others all over the Net are having issues with the last 4
| updates from Microsoft on our Office 2003 Pro products with regards
| to Junk Mail issues and Mail Rules as a whole. anyone know of a fix
| or hotfix for this BUG ?

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