In outlook 2003 emails now go to the junk mail folder. Rules no longer work.
Have rewritten all rules.
Turned off all other programs
done a repair and detect
spy, virus and othher issues not there
norton spam turned off - set off and out of setup
done defrag
cleaned registry
all cookies gone
Email still goes into junk mail folder and OUtlook 2003 does not care about
Rules set as: based on content of subject line move to specific folder
45 rules all writtent the same and worked for YEARS until the last 4
Microsoft updates for Outlook 2003 and Junk Mail
Eliminated updates no good
Reinstalled updates no good.
How about a fix for this poor guy who would love to stop drinking jolt-cola
and get some sleep
Rules tried with continue and to STOP after each rule
Milly Staples said:
No information = no bug = no hotfix. Why issue a hotfix for an unexplained,
undescribed, undefined "bug"?
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, Filcro asked:
| Myself and others all over the Net are having issues with the last 4
| updates from Microsoft on our Office 2003 Pro products with regards
| to Junk Mail issues and Mail Rules as a whole. anyone know of a fix
| or hotfix for this BUG ?