BUG in Office 2007 package?

  • Thread starter LogitechQuicktour
  • Start date


Hi there,

I did a research on the interent and I see that there are a lot of people
(including myself) that are having problem with some applications after they
have installed office 2007.

Please don't tell me that I have to talk with vendor of the application to
fix their software. This is absolutely NOT any application problem this is a
BUG in office12 (office 2007).

In my case I installed Logitech setpoint mouse driver and tried to run the
Quicktour. I got a message that "MSVCR80.dll can not be found requested by

I thought that this is a Logitech software problem BUT IT WAS NOT. This is a
bug in office 2007 package. I had Office Home and Student 2007 package I
uninstalled it and voila! the Quicktour tab in the Logitech package start

Is there any fix for this BUG IN OFFICE12 (2007)? Again this is not any
vendor problem, THIS IS OFFICE 2007 BUG!!


garfield-n-odie [MVP]

There are thousands of software programs in existence. Microsoft can't
possibly test Office 12 (2007) against every other existing software
program to ensure compatibility. Logitech can't test its software
against every other existing software program for compatibility either.
Conflicts sometimes arise. That's life. But I'd be willing to bet
that many many many more people have Office 12 (2007) than a Logitech
Setpoint mouse. Therefore it seems to me that Logitech would want to
make sure its mouse software works with the market-leading office
productivity software.

If you need a guided tour to figure out how to use a mouse, then you
can't possibly blame that on any alleged bug in Office 12 (2007).
Office 12 (2007) is much too sophisticated for you, so just install it
and forget that it ever existed, lest your intracranial space overheat
and catch on fire from overexertion watching that guided tour of your


what a help I got from this forum!!!

I am asking when this bug in office 2007 will be fixed, you are telling me
how to use the mouse!! What a helpful answer!!

Ok leave the bug in your software and call it too sophisticated!

Instead you could think why this problem have occured for so many people
with other applications (not the people that don't know how to use the

There are several other many many many people that are getting the same
problem. You could fix the problem to make office product better.

Is this forum designed to help people with their questions or just to fight
with them that microsoft never make a faulty product? And then insult people
and tell them they can't even use the mouse!!!

Black Knight

Just ignore that idiot with a funny name like garfield-n-odie. He fails
to understand that Microsoft has consistently failed to comply with
anti-trust ruling that required it to disclose the source code of its
Windows and Server Operating systems so that competitors can create
products that are compatible with Microsoft's products.

Only recently, M$ lost yet another EU anti-trust case and was ordered to
pay some $500 million fines and $1 million per day for each day it fails
to comply.

Microsoft has found a better way to manage its slaves by calling them
MVPs but in reality M$ does not need to award this title because people
like garfield-n-odie will continue working for nothing because they have
nothing better to do in life except to hang around in these Newsgroups
and/or to browse p o r n sites.

I would not take anything seriously written by anyone calling
himself/herself as Most Valuable Pig or MVP for short.


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Show me the ruling that says Microsoft has to reveal its source code. I bet $100 you can't because that ruling doesn't exist.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Black Knight asked:

| Just ignore that idiot with a funny name like garfield-n-odie. He
| fails to understand that Microsoft has consistently failed to comply
| with anti-trust ruling that required it to disclose the source code
| of its Windows and Server Operating systems so that competitors can
| create products that are compatible with Microsoft's products.
| Only recently, M$ lost yet another EU anti-trust case and was ordered
| to pay some $500 million fines and $1 million per day for each day it
| fails to comply.
| Microsoft has found a better way to manage its slaves by calling them
| MVPs but in reality M$ does not need to award this title because
| people like garfield-n-odie will continue working for nothing because
| they have nothing better to do in life except to hang around in these
| Newsgroups and/or to browse p o r n sites.
| I would not take anything seriously written by anyone calling
| himself/herself as Most Valuable Pig or MVP for short.
| garfield-n-odie [MVP] wrote:
|| There are thousands of software programs in existence. Microsoft
|| can't possibly test Office 12 (2007) against every other existing
|| software program to ensure compatibility. Logitech can't test its
|| software against every other existing software program for
|| compatibility either. Conflicts sometimes arise. That's life. But
|| I'd be willing to bet that many many many more people have Office 12
|| (2007) than a Logitech Setpoint mouse. Therefore it seems to me
|| that Logitech would want to make sure its mouse software works with
|| the market-leading office productivity software.
|| If you need a guided tour to figure out how to use a mouse, then you
|| can't possibly blame that on any alleged bug in Office 12 (2007).
|| Office 12 (2007) is much too sophisticated for you, so just install
|| it and forget that it ever existed, lest your intracranial space
|| overheat and catch on fire from overexertion watching that guided
|| tour of your mouse.
|| LogitechQuicktour wrote:
||| Hi there,
||| I did a research on the interent and I see that there are a lot of
||| people (including myself) that are having problem with some
||| applications after they have installed office 2007.
||| Please don't tell me that I have to talk with vendor of the
||| application to fix their software. This is absolutely NOT any
||| application problem this is a BUG in office12 (office 2007).
||| In my case I installed Logitech setpoint mouse driver and tried to
||| run the Quicktour. I got a message that "MSVCR80.dll can not be
||| found requested by ../office12/MSOXMLMF.dll".
||| I thought that this is a Logitech software problem BUT IT WAS NOT.
||| This is a bug in office 2007 package. I had Office Home and Student
||| 2007 package I uninstalled it and voila! the Quicktour tab in the
||| Logitech package start working.
||| Is there any fix for this BUG IN OFFICE12 (2007)? Again this is not
||| any vendor problem, THIS IS OFFICE 2007 BUG!!
||| Thanks

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Oh, and the fact that G&O had the correct answer and you don't even try to answer the question says a lot about why you are on these boards.


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Black Knight asked:

| Just ignore that idiot with a funny name like garfield-n-odie. He
| fails to understand that Microsoft has consistently failed to comply
| with anti-trust ruling that required it to disclose the source code
| of its Windows and Server Operating systems so that competitors can
| create products that are compatible with Microsoft's products.
| Only recently, M$ lost yet another EU anti-trust case and was ordered
| to pay some $500 million fines and $1 million per day for each day it
| fails to comply.
| Microsoft has found a better way to manage its slaves by calling them
| MVPs but in reality M$ does not need to award this title because
| people like garfield-n-odie will continue working for nothing because
| they have nothing better to do in life except to hang around in these
| Newsgroups and/or to browse p o r n sites.
| I would not take anything seriously written by anyone calling
| himself/herself as Most Valuable Pig or MVP for short.
| garfield-n-odie [MVP] wrote:
|| There are thousands of software programs in existence. Microsoft
|| can't possibly test Office 12 (2007) against every other existing
|| software program to ensure compatibility. Logitech can't test its
|| software against every other existing software program for
|| compatibility either. Conflicts sometimes arise. That's life. But
|| I'd be willing to bet that many many many more people have Office 12
|| (2007) than a Logitech Setpoint mouse. Therefore it seems to me
|| that Logitech would want to make sure its mouse software works with
|| the market-leading office productivity software.
|| If you need a guided tour to figure out how to use a mouse, then you
|| can't possibly blame that on any alleged bug in Office 12 (2007).
|| Office 12 (2007) is much too sophisticated for you, so just install
|| it and forget that it ever existed, lest your intracranial space
|| overheat and catch on fire from overexertion watching that guided
|| tour of your mouse.
|| LogitechQuicktour wrote:
||| Hi there,
||| I did a research on the interent and I see that there are a lot of
||| people (including myself) that are having problem with some
||| applications after they have installed office 2007.
||| Please don't tell me that I have to talk with vendor of the
||| application to fix their software. This is absolutely NOT any
||| application problem this is a BUG in office12 (office 2007).
||| In my case I installed Logitech setpoint mouse driver and tried to
||| run the Quicktour. I got a message that "MSVCR80.dll can not be
||| found requested by ../office12/MSOXMLMF.dll".
||| I thought that this is a Logitech software problem BUT IT WAS NOT.
||| This is a bug in office 2007 package. I had Office Home and Student
||| 2007 package I uninstalled it and voila! the Quicktour tab in the
||| Logitech package start working.
||| Is there any fix for this BUG IN OFFICE12 (2007)? Again this is not
||| any vendor problem, THIS IS OFFICE 2007 BUG!!
||| Thanks


Thanks Black Knight. I totally agree with you. Apart from the stupid
garfield-n-IDIOT, he doesn't have any technical knowledge to give people
right answers!!

garfield answer gave me a huge pain, by installing the new driver my
keyboard stopped working! I couldn't even boot to my computer. Thanks God
there was an Admin account with no password that I could log into the system.
The logitech new driver screwed up the keyboard!

Next time garfield_IDIOT don't suggest solutions that you are not even sure
if they work! Instead fix the root of the problem which is a BUG in the
Stupid office 2007!

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