Bug in tips for ALT key in new message window


P Cause

I create a new message. if you hit the ALT key, you get little cisons
telling you about what key you can hit next. There is a problem. In a new
message (or reply or forward) ALT-S will send. if I hit ALT, an "S" icon
doesn't appear next to the send button on the ribbon. If I hit ALT-H to get
the Message menu, then the S appears on the ribbon on the send button.

Looks like a BUG or UI deficiency

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Roady [MVP]

-----only use the suggestion feature for suggestions-----

No, it's not. There are many ALT+KEY combinations that are not directly
exposed by pressing the ALT key. You need to see these as two separate ways
in getting things done. The ALT, KEY sequence is to jump through the
features without using a mouse. The ALT+KEY combinations are there for in
case you know the shortcut by heart.

Example for Check Names:
ALT, KEY sequence: ALT, H, M
ALT+KEY combination: ALT+K

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

I create a new message. if you hit the ALT key, you get little cisons
telling you about what key you can hit next. There is a problem. In a new
message (or reply or forward) ALT-S will send. if I hit ALT, an "S" icon
doesn't appear next to the send button on the ribbon. If I hit ALT-H to get
the Message menu, then the S appears on the ribbon on the send button.

Looks like a BUG or UI deficiency

P Cause

I knind of disagree. With the ribbon it is now harder to find the short cuts
or make sure that they still work. If I am in a certian state and hit ALT,
if there an icon is showing on the ribbon that represents an aciton with a
key that can be hit next the USER FRIENDLY thing to do is to show me the tip.
I udnerstand why PROGRAMATICALLY it is harder, but as a user I don't care.

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