Greg Maxey
VBA help states:
The following table shows the meaning of the values that the Show method
Return value Description
-2 The Close button.
-1 The OK button.
0 (zero) The Cancel button.
There appears to be a bug in the wdDialogContentControlProperties. With a
CC selected and using the following code, .Show returns 0 when "OK" is
clicked or when Cancel is clicked. There does not seem to be any way to
determine which was clicked.
Sub Demo()
With Dialogs(wdDialogContentControlProperties)
MsgBox .Show
End With
End Sub
The following table shows the meaning of the values that the Show method
Return value Description
-2 The Close button.
-1 The OK button.
0 (zero) The Cancel button.
button, and so on.0 (zero) A command button: 1 is the first button, 2 is the second
There appears to be a bug in the wdDialogContentControlProperties. With a
CC selected and using the following code, .Show returns 0 when "OK" is
clicked or when Cancel is clicked. There does not seem to be any way to
determine which was clicked.
Sub Demo()
With Dialogs(wdDialogContentControlProperties)
MsgBox .Show
End With
End Sub