bug - named ranges point to wrong column after being moved inside anMS Query Table



I am using MS Query to retrieve data from the database.
I have named several columns (the entrire column, not just X rows in a
With Excel 2003 I can move these (or other columns that are inside the
MS Query range) and the ranges all correctly point to the new
However, when doing this in Excel 2007, if I move a column (J) using
Cut/Insert to column B, the named range for column N shifts (to O).
My work around is to insert a new column where I want to move the
column to. Cut/Paste on top of this new column, and the new column
"magically" moves to the old range. And the existing ranges all point
to their correct locations.

My question is - Has anyone else experienced this? 2007 cut/insert
inside a MS Query table does not act the way it did in 2003

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