Bug: print preview in form datasheet with server filter on crashes access (ADP A2002 SP3)


Malcolm Cook

I've discovered:

Using "File > Print Preview" in a form's datasheet view with a server Filter
crashes access after previewing...

....that is, unless ServerFilterByForm has been turned off after applying the

See the steps to recreate bug below for details.

I'm looking for a workaround. Possibly some way to trap the print preview
event prior to execution and (temporarily?) reset ServerFilterByForm to

Please don't say "don't use print or print preview with datasheets". I'm
(semi) intent upon allow my users to print out a list of whatever they can
compose on their screen.

Thanks for any help,

Malcolm Cook - (e-mail address removed)
Database Applications Manager - Bioinformatics
Stowers Institute for Medical Research - Kansas City, MO USA

Steps to recreate bug:

While using Access version 2002 SP 3

While running access 2002 SP3
Create a new ADP against Northwind database
Use the form wizard to create a new datasheet form against the Cataegories
table (or any table, probably)
Edit the form properties to set "Server Filter By Form" = yes
Open the form and notice the window title is "Categories: Server Filter By
Compose a search and "Apply Server Filter"
OPTIONAL: Use the form wizard to set "Server Filter By Form" = no
Select "File > Print Preview"
Hit 'escape' to dismiss the preview

Whoa! If you did NOT take the optional step above, you are returned to the
form as though it were collecting a new server filter as indicated by the
window title being "Categories: Server Filter By Form". However, the
problem is worse becuase access then crashes.

If you DID take the optional step (oh, wise one) then you are returned to
the filtered selection of records.

Error signature
AppName: msaccess.exe AppVer: 10.0.6501.0 ModName:
ModVer: 10.0.6501.0 Offset: 0000769e

Exception Information
Code: 0x000009a0 Flags: 0x00000000
Record: 0x00000000c0000005 Address: 0x0000000000000000

System Information
Windows NT 5.1 Build: 2600
CPU Vendor Code: 01860094 - 30025EC0 - 00000001

CPU Version: 00000F24 CPU Feature Code: 3FEBFBFF
CPU AMD Feature Code: 00BCE804

Eric Cárdenas [MSFT]

I've discovered:
Using "File > Print Preview" in a form's datasheet view with a server Filter
crashes access after previewing...

...that is, unless ServerFilterByForm has been turned off after applying the

See the steps to recreate bug below for details.

I'm looking for a workaround. Possibly some way to trap the print preview
event prior to execution and (temporarily?) reset ServerFilterByForm to

Please don't say "don't use print or print preview with datasheets". I'm
(semi) intent upon allow my users to print out a list of whatever they can
compose on their screen.

Thanks for any help,

Malcolm Cook - (e-mail address removed)
Database Applications Manager - Bioinformatics
Stowers Institute for Medical Research - Kansas City, MO USA

Steps to recreate bug:

While using Access version 2002 SP 3

While running access 2002 SP3
Create a new ADP against Northwind database
Use the form wizard to create a new datasheet form against the Cataegories
table (or any table, probably)
Edit the form properties to set "Server Filter By Form" = yes
Open the form and notice the window title is "Categories: Server Filter By
Compose a search and "Apply Server Filter"
OPTIONAL: Use the form wizard to set "Server Filter By Form" = no
Select "File > Print Preview"
Hit 'escape' to dismiss the preview

Whoa! If you did NOT take the optional step above, you are returned to the
form as though it were collecting a new server filter as indicated by the
window title being "Categories: Server Filter By Form". However, the
problem is worse becuase access then crashes.

If you DID take the optional step (oh, wise one) then you are returned to
the filtered selection of records.

Error signature
AppName: msaccess.exe AppVer: 10.0.6501.0 ModName:
ModVer: 10.0.6501.0 Offset: 0000769e

Exception Information
Code: 0x000009a0 Flags: 0x00000000
Record: 0x00000000c0000005 Address: 0x0000000000000000

System Information
Windows NT 5.1 Build: 2600
CPU Vendor Code: 01860094 - 30025EC0 - 00000001

CPU Version: 00000F24 CPU Feature Code: 3FEBFBFF
CPU AMD Feature Code: 00BCE804
I followed your repro steps using Access 2003 and I did not get an Access
crash. Is it possible that it is a printer drive problem? Have you tried
using a different printer drive for the print preview. Can you reproduce
the problem with Access 2003?

Hope this helps,

Malcolm Cook


I've just followed my own steps below with different printer driver and it
still crashes.

I don't have 2003 to try, and I'm deploying in a corporate environment where
everyone uses 2002 SP3.

Are you able to try it in 2002 SP3?


Malcolm Cook

Mingqing Cheng [MSFT]

Hi Malcolm Cook,

From your descriptions, I understood that after some steps, your Access
will crash after File -> Print Preview. Have I understood you? If there is
anything I misunderstood, please feel free to let me know:)

Unfortuantely, I tried hard but failed to reporduce the scenraio you have
meet no matter I do the OPTIONAL or not.

In your descriptions, I am not very sure about
1. what do you mean "form wizard" in OPTIONAL?
2. what's you search circumstantiality for the table in the form?

Additionally, I have also try to get some useful information from the crash
of Access, but failed again.

Would you please find a 'clean' machine with only Windows Installed and
then install SQL Server and Access. After these, could you reproduce the
scenario again? Would you please change another type of printer, for fear
that the printer driver, and then try to reproduce the scenraio again?

Thank you for your patience and cooperation. If you have any questions or
concerns, don't hesitate to let me know. We are here to be of assistance!

Sincerely yours,

Mingqing Cheng
Microsoft Developer Community Support

Malcolm Cook

Thanks for trying Mingqing.
From your descriptions, I understood that after some steps, your Access
will crash after File -> Print Preview. Have I understood you? If there is
anything I misunderstood, please feel free to let me know:)

You've understood perfectly I think.
Unfortuantely, I tried hard but failed to reporduce the scenraio you have
meet no matter I do the OPTIONAL or not.

Are you using ACC2002 under windows XP?
In your descriptions, I am not very sure about
1. what do you mean "form wizard" in OPTIONAL?

My fault. I should have written form property sheet. Make sense now?
2. what's you search circumstantiality for the table in the form?

I don't understand the question. The crash happens if I cancel the search.
Additionally, I have also try to get some useful information from the crash
of Access, but failed again.

I'm confused. Did Access crash for you or not? If it didn't, from what
would you get useful information?
Would you please find a 'clean' machine with only Windows Installed and
then install SQL Server and Access. After these, could you reproduce the
scenario again? Would you please change another type of printer, for fear
that the printer driver, and then try to reproduce the scenraio again?

I'll try and do this soon...

Thanks for the attempts and suggestions...

Malcolm Cook

Mingqing Cheng [MSFT]

Hi Malcolm Cook,

Thanks for your prompt updates!

I did have tried do this on my Windows XP with both Access 2002 and Access
2003. It could print successfully. What's your print model? Have you
upgraded to the latest driver for the printer?

I will continue my troubleshooting until you get me back the result of
testing on a clean machine :)

Thanks for your patience and cooperation again. If you have any questions
or concerns, don't

hesitate to let me know. We are here to be of assistance!

Sincerely yours,

Mingqing Cheng

Microsoft Developer Community Support

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