bug: print preview is incorrect until document is first printed


Micah Brodsky

Strange as it seems, I've finally figured out why my OneNote print jobs are
so confusing. I'm hitting a bug in print preview! Pages are not properly
scaled and page breaks appear in the wrong places until a page is first
submitted as a print job. Then, and thereafter, the preview is correct.
(Either that, or OneNote is drastically changing the page layout settings
during the first print job in a way that cannot be seen or affected in Page
Setup -- which is just as bad.)

Anyone know of a workaround? (I suppose I could just print-to-file once and
then dump it every time before I actually do a real print...)


Lin Wang

Hi Micah,

This is Lin from OneNote. Can you send me the before and after shots of the
print preview pane and also the .one file?


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