Bug: Problem when viewing headers/footers by double-clicking


Steve Cherne

We have a macro in a special template that replaces the native ViewHeader
logic in Word. Whenever a user clicks on the menu item 'View/Header and
Footer', our macro kicks in. This has been working great since Word 2.0. We
have just discovered a problem in Word 2003. If a user selects 'View/Print
Layout' and then double-clicks in the header area of the page, Word opens the
section for the user to edit (this is what we can't allow). I would have
expected our macro to start but it appears that Word is running some other
code (anyone know what is run when the header section is double-clicked).
Also, the 'Header and Foote'r toolbar then appears and if the user clicks
'Close', Word runs the ViewHeader macro (which is completely backwards).
This sure appears to be a bug in Word.
Anybody know how to intercept the double-click on the header section and how
to disconnect the close button on the toolbar from running the ViewHeader

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