Bug - Programmatic copy/paste other sheet to activecell


Greg Wilson

Does anyone have an elegant fix to the following:
1. Put text in any cell in Sheet2, say cell A1.
2. Select a cell in Sheet1.
3. Run this code:
Sub Test()
Sheets(2).Range("A1").Copy ActiveCell
End Sub
4. Now select a different cell in Sheet1. I find that the black border
highlight of the former activecell (cell that was pasted to) acts in reverse
- i.e. if you select it, the black border goes blank and if you select a
differenct cell it receives a black border. Therefore, two cells now have
black borders.

You can fix it with a kludge:
Sub Test()
Sheets(2).Range("A1").Copy ActiveCell
ActiveCell.Copy ActiveCell
End Sub

You can also fix it by scrolling until the cell is off screen and then
scrolling back; or seleting a multicell range that completely contains the
affected cell, and then select the cell.

If I don't receive a better solution then this will at least serve as a bug
warning. Wondering if there is a more elegant solution (repainting?) or if
I'm missing something. Appreciative of your responses.



Hi Greg

I'm not sure why excel would be doing that but it does it on my system
to. It will work if you pass the cell value to a string then put the
string to the activecell like the code below.

Option Explicit
Dim MyStr As String

Sub Test()
MyStr = Sheets(2).Range("A1")
ActiveCell.Value = MyStr
End Sub

Hope this is of some use to you.


Greg Wilson

Thanks for your response. Unfortunately I also need the formats and so
copying is the best option.

It appears to be caused by the copy/paste operation. You don't actually need
to pass the value to a variable. For example, this doesn't cause the problem:

ActiveCell.Value = Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").Value

while this does:

Sheets(2).Range("A1").Copy ActiveCell


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