since i've tested this agaist 2 different copies of Excel 2007 fresh install
on different machines at home, i think it's clearly a bug.
ok, in order to save vba codes now in excel 2007, i'd have to save files in
the .xlsm format. that's cool. everything been working sweet, until...
spent 4 long days busting my butt during the new year, missed all the nice
parties to rush this stupid project out, and 2 hours being scream at by my
boss over skype kinda ate my heart out.
how can such a simple mistake be made? very very easy >:Errrrrrrr
go on any sheet that has codes in your ms vb window and just comment
everything, then save the file - and make sure its a .xlsm file. then
reopen it. and WALAH, ALL GONE!!!!!!!!!!
to avoid it, have a small small code on the top that is a sub, or private
sub, and option explicit doesn't cut it either. hope no one else has to
suffer like i did.
aloha, orbii
ps: pls submit for me an official bug report.
on different machines at home, i think it's clearly a bug.
ok, in order to save vba codes now in excel 2007, i'd have to save files in
the .xlsm format. that's cool. everything been working sweet, until...
spent 4 long days busting my butt during the new year, missed all the nice
parties to rush this stupid project out, and 2 hours being scream at by my
boss over skype kinda ate my heart out.
how can such a simple mistake be made? very very easy >:Errrrrrrr
go on any sheet that has codes in your ms vb window and just comment
everything, then save the file - and make sure its a .xlsm file. then
reopen it. and WALAH, ALL GONE!!!!!!!!!!
to avoid it, have a small small code on the top that is a sub, or private
sub, and option explicit doesn't cut it either. hope no one else has to
suffer like i did.
aloha, orbii
ps: pls submit for me an official bug report.