Bug when calling sub within a sub


Barb Reinhardt

I am calling a sub that includes the input parameters, aws, awb, owb, ows and
mypattern (which is a string). We're having an inconsistent bug which
appears to occur when the owb is already opened and we reopen it. Has
anyone seen anything like this before and if so, what did you do to fix it?

Barb Reinhardt

Bernie Deitrick


Post your code. You probably just need to check to see if it is open first.

MS Excel MVP

Dave Peterson

Do you have to reopen it?

Could you just check to see if it's already open and just not open it?

Dim testWb as workbook
set testwb = nothing
on error resume next
set testwb = workbooks("somenamehere--not including path.xls")
on error goto 0

if testwkb is nothing then
'open it
'don't open it
end if

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