Bug? When I open my file, the tasks are renumbered and out of orde



I'm using 2007, trying to work on a 2003 file. When I save I don't have any
issues. But when I reopen it, the IDs are out of order, my tasks are
renumbered and out of place. Some extra identation has occurred and some task
rows are hidden.

How do I get it back to normal?

Jim Aksel

This is a documented bug. Although your pain is felt by many, it is not felt
by all.
The work around is Project/Sort by ID.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Thank you. This solves a portion of the problem, but causes another. Some of
the items were in the right order but got new IDs assigned to them, so the
sort took them our of order. For instance Items A, B and C were IDs 8, 9 and
10. Then when I opened the file, A, B and C were still in the right order on
the page, but numbered 9, 10, 8. So when I do the sort, it places C above A
and B.

Jim Aksel

Project/Sort/Sort By...
There is an option to permanently renumber the tasks in a check box at the
Might I suggest examination of the WBS numbering since you may want to sort
by that to get you back to the original order.

Please keep a backup copy before making permanent file changes.
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When I show the WBS, it shows up out of order (ex: 2.1, 1.1.6, 2.2), so if I
do a sort on that is messes up the order of the tasks again. There is only
one other person I have found online with this problem. He posted at
http://www.allpm.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=2136 but he did
not get a good reply. Maybe his explination is better than mine. I should
also point out, that while some IDs and information is still there, certain
items are missing their tasks names. The appear as rows with duration,
resources and predesessors, but no task name. Also, when I open the file I
get a circular reference message, but after I researched this, there wasn't a
circular reference to be found.

Do I have a corrupt file? Do I have a bad install?

Jim Aksel

Sorry, I don't know if I can be of any more help because I have never had the
Here is the link to the Microsoft Bug report on their feedback site:


From there, people have posted 5 work arounds --- you can select "View" to
see them.

Hope that will help
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It''s software; it''s not allowed to win.

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about Microsoft Project


Thank you for this link. It is most helpful. I think it is resolution #5,
regarding the blank lines. I have them, and I moved things around them. Maybe
I had one rolled up to a task by mistake. Either way, very large bug that
needs to be addressed in a patch by MS!



I have experienced exaclty the same issue, a number of times. So have many
others. There is not a simple work around on large files with mor than 600
activites such as I use.

It is a major bug, it corrupts in many ways ,seems to be related to saving
as 2003 then opening.

However, I do not believe you and I should spend time trying to work out
what the problem is. I need the tool to do my professional work, with out
the head falling off all the time

Microsoft have sold this product as a working piece of software. This
problem, is as bad as an accounting package calculating the bottom line

I will not accept the attitude that we should put up with it. In Australia
the "professional" version sells for close to $1000 .

The product is not fit for purpose !

It is used by many people as the basis for contractual agreements. I now do
not trust it to give me the proper critcal path and i am certainly not going
to do any cost calculations with it.

There is a major commercial risk. !!!


I am having huge problems with this too. Your suggested link, Jim, doesn't
work. I'd love to follow Microsoft's progress in resolving this issue, is
there are a working link somewhere?

We've decided to stay in 2003 and not roll out 2007 until this is resolved.

Thanks, Jim.


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