Bug When Tabbing Out of a Radio Button Control



In one of my InfoPath forms, I believe I have found a bug with the tab order.
All of my controls have a tab index of 0. I have only one radio button
control on this form. It is the fourth item in the default tab order. (The
first three are all text strings.) If the user has entered any data in one of
those string controls, then tabbed to the radio button control and then
selected one of the radio buttons (for the first time) using either the space
bar or the arrow keys, hitting Tab again will return the user to the first
control in the tab order. I have not tested this thoroughly, but I can tell
you that in any of the following situations the tab order DOES work properly,
that is, hitting tab places the cursor in the next control, a date picker:
User does not enter data in any of the first three controls, uses
the tab key to get to the fourth (radio button) control and enters data there.
User may or may not enter data in any of the first three controls,
uses the tab key to navigate to the fourth (radio button) control and does
NOT enter data in it.
User has previously entered data in the fourth (radio button)
control, uses the tab key to navigate back to that control and changes the
value of that control using either the space bar or the arrow keys.

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