I've found a very ugly bug when I converted my .mdb database to .adp
I have a table filled with text data (string/nvarchar) like this:
Id Name
1 Ann "Queen" Valery
2 John "Spider" Smith
3 John "X-man" Butler
4 Steve "Bear" Berry
.... ...
I have combo-box in mdb's form. It filled with data from this table. It's
RecordSource is like "SELECT [Id], [Name] FROM [The table] ORDER BY [Name]"
and it has AutoExpand=Yes, LimitToList=Yes, ColumnCount=2, BoundColumn=1,
ColumnWidths="0;" (to hide first column with ID).
So user can type the name and Access will select appropriate item from the
list. And user can type, for example, `John "' and Access will offer `John
"Spider" Smith', but If user types `X' next he/she will get `John "X-man"
Butler' as an Access' offer.
Ok, everything works fine with mdb.
So, let's try to do such thing in .adp. And if user type the whole name in
to the combo-bot he/she will get message like "No such name in the list".
Moreover, if user type `John "' and Access will offer `John "Spider" Smith'.
Ok. Fine. But if user continue with `X' he/she will get no offer. Just like
no appropriate names in the list! And Access will tell user "No such name"
That's sucks...
This bug is only with double-quotes in adp. I think Access uses DAO code for
mdb and it works fine. But in adp it uses another (ADO) code, which is so
Does anybody knows how to walk around this bug?
I've found a very ugly bug when I converted my .mdb database to .adp
I have a table filled with text data (string/nvarchar) like this:
Id Name
1 Ann "Queen" Valery
2 John "Spider" Smith
3 John "X-man" Butler
4 Steve "Bear" Berry
.... ...
I have combo-box in mdb's form. It filled with data from this table. It's
RecordSource is like "SELECT [Id], [Name] FROM [The table] ORDER BY [Name]"
and it has AutoExpand=Yes, LimitToList=Yes, ColumnCount=2, BoundColumn=1,
ColumnWidths="0;" (to hide first column with ID).
So user can type the name and Access will select appropriate item from the
list. And user can type, for example, `John "' and Access will offer `John
"Spider" Smith', but If user types `X' next he/she will get `John "X-man"
Butler' as an Access' offer.
Ok, everything works fine with mdb.
So, let's try to do such thing in .adp. And if user type the whole name in
to the combo-bot he/she will get message like "No such name in the list".
Moreover, if user type `John "' and Access will offer `John "Spider" Smith'.
Ok. Fine. But if user continue with `X' he/she will get no offer. Just like
no appropriate names in the list! And Access will tell user "No such name"
That's sucks...
This bug is only with double-quotes in adp. I think Access uses DAO code for
mdb and it works fine. But in adp it uses another (ADO) code, which is so
Does anybody knows how to walk around this bug?